baby boomer characteristics 1

In Active Seniors by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


After World War II, the birth rate in the United States of America significantly increased. This is also the generation that is called the baby boomer generation. People who were born between 1946 and 1964 are called the baby boomers generation. Great people were born in this generation and two of them already became president of the world’s most powerful nation, the United States of America.

You should understand that people who were born in this period has a wide range of political view because of the things they went through in the United States. This generation is the generation that fought to emphasize civil rights and it is also one of the foundations that made America what it is today.

This is also the generation where many new things were invented.

First of all, you have to understand the characteristics of baby boomers. You have to consider that these people were born in an era where it was dominated by American Military might where the enemies where socialists and communists. This is the era where the cold war started. This is one of the main reasons why people who were born in the baby boomers generation are politically active and are always interested in the political status of their country.

The people who were born in the baby boomers era also grew up where they came of age when they were fighting for civil rights. This means that they are people who are aware of their rights as a citizen of the United States and they will do whatever it takes to keep that right.

During those times, gadgets and different kinds of household appliances were popping out of the market. Also, it turned post war factories of the United States to produce different kinds of household tools. Because of this, unemployment was virtually nonexistent, provided that you are Caucasian and is willing to work.

Today, baby boomers make up a large amount of share in the political, cultural, academic, and industrial leadership. They are the people who contributed a lot in modern society. In fact, the highest office in the United States had two baby boomers namely, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. These two presidents of the United States were the two first baby boomers president and have led the way to further improve the economy of the United States. They also provided new jobs for people and emphasized widely on civil rights and freedom.

Culturally speaking, baby boomers contributed a lot. They contributed music, and art to society. Music such as rock and roll, Motown Sound, and beats are what started the music you hear today. Baby boomers are also politically active. In fact, these people are one of the leading people who protested violation on civil rights and the war on Vietnam. They emphasized widely on the freedom of choice and they also moved to bar discrimination in the workplace.

The baby boomer generation is also considered lucky in terms of medical technology. Because of the advancement in today’s medical technology, many of these aging baby boomers can benefit from modern hospital equipments and medicine. They are also more health conscious than their predecessors, and increasing numbers of people in the ages of 45 to 60 are now taking the necessary steps to improve their health. They are considered to be more active and are expected to live more years than their predecessors.

Being part of the baby boomers era is in fact a great thing. If you were born in this era, you are part of a group of people who contributed a lot to the United States in terms of politics, culture, and also in the economy.

However, baby boomers today are experiencing age discrimination in the workplace. The irony of it all is that they were the ones who fought for equal employment opportunity regardless of race, gender, creed, and age. You should consider the fact that they were responsible for these rights and you should treat them with the respect that they deserve.

So, in case you cross path with someone who were born in the baby boomers era, take some time to thank them on what they did to make what is America today. Always remember that they played an important role in the United States of America. Always keep in mind that they were the ones responsible for the rights you enjoy today.

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