Dangerous Weight Loss Drugs Vs. Safer Alternatives

In Active Seniors, Heart Health, lose weight by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

DANGEROUS WEIGHT LOSS DRUGS VS. SAFER ALTERNATIVES Sometimes when we become so self-conscious about weight loss our physical appearance we would do almost anything to eliminate those unwanted pounds of fat. And sometimes we feel there are only a few choices to choose from. So what do many slightly and really overweight people do? Many turn to diet drugs without …

Danger! Our kids’ health is at risk

In lose weight, Mindset, nutrition by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

DANGER! OUR KIDS’ HEALTH IS AT RISK The our kids’ on the whole face a very serious problem at present. It is obesity.Now matter how much time adults spend in the gym, it will not change the situation much till we do not pay attention to the need of physical activity for our children who are going to track the …

Creative Ways Of Asking Out A Stranger

In Active Seniors, Mindset by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

CREATIVE WAYS OF ASKING OUT A STRANGER Here are creative ways of asking her out. Women these days are smart and cautious. With the amount of date rape cases on the rise, going out on a date with a stranger is becoming less popular. However, the good-hearted person you are, that should not stop you from asking out an interesting …

The 6 Top Things to Look for in a Health Insurance Plan

In Active Seniors by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

THE 6 TOP THINGS TO LOOK FOR IN A HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN When deciding on health insurance, one needs to be aware of his or her needs first and foremost. Many plans are similar but slight variations in coverage and expense. Most insurance companies offer similar deductibles and cover all the standard routine issues that arise in health. Some plans …

Fitness training

In Uncategorized by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

FITNESS TRAINING People all over the world are becoming more and more fitness conscious. The priority has been shifting from everything else to the fact that the most important thing in life, is to keep oneself in shape and fit, to enjoy things in life. Keeping fit, means capturing the days of youth and all the fun of those days …

Fitness training

In Uncategorized by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

FITNESS TRAINING People all over the world are becoming more and more health conscious, the priority has been shifting from everything else to the fact that the most important thing in life, is to keep oneself in shape and fit, to enjoy things in life. Keeping fit, means capturing the days of youth and all the fun of those days …