Brain Disorders – Causes and Prevention

In Youthful Brain by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

Recent statistics show 5.2 million people in the United States suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. That number will reach 7.1 million over the next 10 years. Scientific research identifies specific brain abnormalities in people with Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Parkinson’s diseases. The abnormalities are plaque buildups. The causes are clumps of beta-amyloid protein and tangles of the protein named “Tau.” These both cause the death of brain cells. Dying brain cells cause increasing memory loss, reduced communication ability, and eventual death.

Causes of Brain Disorders:

Genetics predispose some people to be at risk of brain disorders. Certain inherited genes are the culprits. Do those genes doom a person to the certainty of brain disease or only a high likelihood? Research is not conclusive in the scientific research community. We can control much in our lives but not our genetics. So we will concentrate on what we can and must control: our lifestyle choices.

Advice from the National Institute on Aging HERE

Don’t Make these Bad Lifestyle Choices:

A sedentary lifestyle with little or no exercise does not stimulate good blood flow to the brain. Being overweight or worse, obese, will limit blood flow. Smoking and excessive drinking are destructive to the entire body system. Poor dietary habits do not provide the nutrients needed for a healthy body and brain. Finally, a lack of mental stimulation causes the brain’s abilities to decline. That’s no different than the atrophy of muscles that are not exercised.

Prevention Tips:

Making Good Lifestyle Choices:

We help our brains to stay healthy and active with good day-by-day living habits. Here are some simple and easy things you can do right now to prevent brain disorders.

Tip 1. Regular physical exercise can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 50%.

Tip 2. Stay engaged with your friends and family. Avoid isolation and loneliness.

Tip 3. Eat the healthiest diet. Cut back sugar and salt. drop trans fats. Use cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. Eat lots of fresh green vegetables, fruit, and raw nuts. Get your protein. Use nonhormone meats and wild caught fish. Consume plenty of fiber. Be sure to include Omega 3 oils. The best sources are salmon and cold water fish. Add Omega 3 supplements.

Tip 4. Be sure to challenge your brain with mental stimulation by learning new subjects. Try puzzles and riddles. Practicing memorization is a great mental exercise. Try brushing your teeth, eating and other single hand activities with your other hand. This is trickier than you think and opens new thinking patterns.
Brain Stimulating Activities for Seniors HERE 



Tip 5. Sound Sleep. Most people need 8 hours of sound sleep. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Keep your bedroom completely dark to ensure sound sleep. If that’s not possible use a sleep mask over your eyes. Keep the bedroom quiet.

Tip 6. Reduce stress by having fun. Indulge yourself in the activities you enjoy the most. No, getting drunk does not qualify. Enjoy the leisure activities you did not have time for in the past.

Physical Exercise For Brain Health EXPLAINED

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